“Real Estate is the only investment that builds equity and can be insured. I have recognized the value of real estate ever since I can remember.”
Sofia specializes in Luxury Homes and Commercial Real Estate. At 24 years old, Sofia has single-handedly purchased her first home in Fairfield- a fixer upper. She has always had a passion for Real Estate. Sofia specializes in luxury homes and Commercial Real Estate. She continues to educate herself and others on the importance of the details. Having gone through this process, she understands the many possible hurdles and emotions on both sides of this transaction.
Sofia was born and raised in Fairfield, attending both private and public school. She went on to receiving a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Florida Atlantic University. She then received her Masters of Education in TESOL from Fairfield University. Sofia has always known that she wants to help others. She began her volunteering in her youth group mission trip to South Dakota. Also, volunteering in medical settings, she has proven her ability to quickly and diligently assess and take action. She continues to use her instincts and experience to go above and beyond for her clients.
Sofia has always been an avid traveler, visiting more than 20 Countries. She studied abroad in Sydney, Australia for 6 months. She enjoys immersing herself in other cultures. She also loves photography; she is able to capture the beauty of a moment in a single shot. She entered her schools Study Abroad photo contest and won 1st place in the category- People of the Host Country- on a photograph she took while visiting Cairns, Australia. Her natural ability to photograph, comes from her sense of details. She brings this with her each time she enters a home. Paying close attention to the bones of each home and being able to help her clients envision making it their own.